Saturday, December 5, 2009


DANCE & CORE-BODYTRANSITION CLASSIn Santa Monica- 2621 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90405 – Classes held in Studio K- (NE side, turn in Aamco’s lot)

ADULT SCHEDULE Taught by Fannie Kalis- Teacher, Choreographer, Performer
*Tuesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm More than Core/ CORE-Transition
Body Conditioning Combination of Mat and Movement-
tone, stretch, slim down, get, see and keep your sexy in a fun,
upbeat mat-dance class- designed and taught by Fannie for dancers and non-dancers
*Fridays 6:30pm 7:30pm Ballet – Bring balance to your life. Get the benefits of Ballet to the Beatles-
*Fridays 7.30pm-8.30pm Lyrical Jazz- Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
*Sundays 1:00pm-2:30pm Modern Dance-
Mind, body, somatic connection learn to fall, release, suspend and express yourself in true Modern Dance

ALL CLASSES OPEN -All LEVELS- All classes include core work!!!!! All Classes are Open Level for
dancers and non-dancers

Rates & Specials!!! 15/single -  pro-rate 13.50 --- Buddy Special Bring a friend and pay only 12.50/class(each).
Also, 5 class for 65- (discounts and prices are good for Fannie's schedule and subject to change)

For More information Please 917-912-0165 or 310-228-7407 email: -
Be a friend on Please refer to this schedule for santa monica dance studio’s new location
contact fannie for up-to-date schedule, performances and information

1 comment:

  1. I have been taken Fannie's modern dance classes for the a couple of months and they are amazing. Fannie's personal teaching approach makes you feel special. In her classes she implements a unique combination of technique, body awareness... and fun! At times she challenges you to take it to the next level, in a very encouraging way, it makes you feel very proud of yourself. Her positive comments and energy are transforming! Highly recommended!
    Love you, Fannie!

